Cinema of Ukraine

Cinema of Ukraine


Film studios

State owned

Privately owned

Film distribution

B&H Film Distribution Company is a major Ukrainian film distributor; it is the local distributor of films by Walt Disney Pictures, Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment (Columbia Pictures).[4]

Ukrainian Film Distribution (formerly Gemini Ukraine) is the local distributor of films by 20th Century Fox (Fox Searchlight Pictures, Blue Sky Studios).[4]

Kinomania is the local distributor of films by Warner Brothers (New Line Cinema).[4]

Short films, festival winners and art house are mostly disrtibuted by Arthouse traffic[4].



Former awards

Notable films

Top awards

Award Category Film title Year Director
Palme d'Or Short Film The Cross (Cross-country) 2011 Maryna Vroda
Palme d'Or Short Film Podorozhni (Wayfarers) 2005 Igor Strembitskyy
Jury Prize Silver Bear at Berlinale Short Film Ischov tramwai N°9 (The Tram N°9 Goes) 2003 Stepan Koval
Panorama Award of the NYFA at Berlinale Short Film Tyr (Shooting Gallery) 2001 Taras Tomenko
FIPRESCI Prize FIPRESCI Award Lebedyne Ozero - Zona (Swan Lake. The Zone) 1990 Yuriy Illyenko
Award of the Youth at Cannes Film Festival Foreign Film Lebedyne Ozero - Zona (Swan Lake. The Zone) 1990 Yuriy Illyenko



History of the cinema in Ukraine

On the territory of Odessa film studio there is a Museum of the Cinema, in which you can find out about many interesting facts on the history of the cinema in general and history of Ukrainian cinema as a part. Here you can find historic materials, from the invention of cinema, to the postmodern, digital and avant garde.

Government and civil bodies concerned

is administrated by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Cinematographers.

See also

External links
